What’s This?

Hello! Thanks for checking out this blog! This is Superkick Writes, a blog ran by one lone reader who is trying to keep writing analytically on her days off. On a month-to-month basis, I’ll try to update with new reviews, be it modern books I’m reading or forays into older forgotten genre fiction! This is done literally for free, as a way for me to enjoy writing and to engage a little more with what I enjoy to read.

Recent Reads: Reviews of my more recent reads, rated out of 5 stars. Nice and simple. Original flavour. Often these are from Kindle, library, or new releases. Also hard-to-place fiction will end up here too.

True Crime: This category is set up purely for true crime works I read, keeping them separate from other nonfiction or the largely fictitious reads on here.

Series Deep Dive: When I choose to explore a big series in one go. Perfect for visual novels or ongoing series in fiction.

The Big Read: One novel looked at extensively, usually over a long period of time. Very slowly done, I will admit…

I Can Remember It For You Wholesale: What I initially set up the blog for! Each specific review of this type involves me analysing a specific work of genre fiction, often quite old and sometimes forgotten, where I will look not only at the narrative, but at the author, publication history, and if you can still get your hands on a copy! This started due to me receiving a box of very unusual SF books, many of which I was unfamiliar with, and I’m still making my way through it!

Hardback Heaven: Some reads which are either fiction or nonfiction, usually the latter, which are beautifully bound, and often heavily illustrated. These often include books on astrology, photography, artwork, and the like.

I also sometimes cover visual novels or games I’m enjoying – particularly those which are very word-heavy.