Sci-Fi September: ‘Pen Pal’ by Milton Lesser (Short Story)

‘Pen Pal’ by Milton Lesser (1951)Collected in The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press (Kindle), 2012, 2nd edition, approx. 28 pgs. An almost-romance story with a twist… This quirky science fiction short by Milton Lesser (who also wrote under the name Stephen Marlowe) from 1951 is about a lonely thirty-three year old woman named Matilda Penshaws. Matilda spends… Continue reading Sci-Fi September: ‘Pen Pal’ by Milton Lesser (Short Story)

Sci-Fi September: ‘Storm Warning’ by Donald A. Wollheim (Short Story)

‘Storm Warning’ by Donald A. Wollheim (1942)Collected in The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack, Wildside Press (Kindle), 2012, 2nd edition, approx. 22 pgs. From the author of the short story ‘Mimic’ (that later became the film of the same name!), Wollheim’s ‘Storm Warning’ is an interesting science fiction foray into the bizarre hidden powers at work in our… Continue reading Sci-Fi September: ‘Storm Warning’ by Donald A. Wollheim (Short Story)